Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Here ya go Ash... My new house things :)

First... My new fav scents from Bath and Body Works for my Wallflowers!! :) I have wayyyy too many of these!

Then.... my Cody dog needed somewhere to store his food so i picked up this handy dog food keeper and at Ross i got this cool scooper shaped like a paw!!

This is my new Garbage can :) I had to make a gear closet for matt and we dont have many closets so.. i had to move the garbage out into the open so I bought an expensive stainless steel one! Its fingerprint proof :)

I was tired of boring old laundry baskets so i got this awesome Hamper at Ross!! I love it!

So most of you have already seen this table of mine i got at Target :) I Love. But i got this cute little indoor plant to fill up the space under it. Makes it feel much more homey :)

So I didnt think i would decorate the bathroom before matt came home but I was wrong... I couldnt take it anymore lol. So here is all the stuff i bought yesterday and today! This one is the new over the toilet rack I built and some new baskets on it :)

This is the new picture I picked out for the wall and some new brown towels to hang up :) Lets just hope the water here doesnt ruin these too!

Ugh Sorry about this picture... I could NOT Get it to upload right... I got a new shower curtain.... and hooks and a fluffy bath mat :)

Tada. Ive bought much more than all of this lol...... i have a shopping problem lately... I need matt home now! haha
Leave comments

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sorry its been so long... I apoligize.

Heya! I know its been a long time!
Im sorry for any of you that were nice and actually read my blog!
Its been quite the month ... not .. haha. I have not done much of anything except take up space haha. I made a new friend... Brianna. She lives right downstairs so we spend a lot of time together. I started working out a little... but i havent been consistant at ALL. I prefer classes over just going to the gym... it keeps me focused. I tried Zumba the other day with Bri... I was horrible. But... it was fun.
Yesterday I drove to Myrtle Beach because my Aunt and Uncle and cousins were down there for spring break. I spent the day down there and the weather was beautiful. I was already pretty tan but got lots more sun while laying out!! We also went to dinner at Senor Frogs! It was really fun.
As most of you that read this probably already know. homecoming is very soon. we are bordering the single digit days until he comes home!!!! I cant wait its not even funny. I cant cant cant wait. I also cant wait for our trip to Disney in may on leave!!! The upcoming month is going to be one of the bests of my life i think. im pretty sure actually.

Today was a pretty boring easter besides goin out to lunch with Bethany. Yum yum. But i was jealous of the fam!!!

Thank you for reading. Ill keep you updated this time i promise.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Bathing Suit Top!!!

So in the spirit of everyone and their sexy VS bathing suits I got jealous and picked up this top at Target. I loveeeee it!!!!

I also got lots of new summer clothes at old navy yesterday!!
I also ended up getting tons of stuff for the house this week including a new porch table... and a new dinette set!

Weow!! Haha. The house is pretty much "finished" minus the cardboard I have yet to get rid of..... and the walls are pretty bare.
Now all we are waiting for is........
Good night loves!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Its been a long long time...

So. Matt keeps saying... you havent written in your blog. So tonight im finally writing. I havent written since i was in NY. Im of course living here in NC now and loving our new place. Although it is SNOWING today the weather has been much much nicer than home. Cody is lovin the weather. When i take him outside he just walks around so happy and all like "yay there is no snow freezin my feets" lol. The biggest change is havin to hook up his leash every single time and then follow him around until he poops then pick it up. Instead of at home.... he would just run out and then ask to come back in when he was done lol.
I have been workin my butt off on gettin this place like home. Goodness it is NOT easy. Let alone the trip and move in was insane! I was happy to have all of the help I had. We got new bedroom furniture that I LOVEEE and also side tables and tv stand in the living room. Today I spent the day putting up curtains in the living room and bedroom. Oh what a feat! lets just say I made a few extra holes then I should have... and Im hoping th
at I dont wake up with my curtains on the floor hahah.

I still have a MASSIVE pile of cardboard in the living room.... because our apartment complex doesnt have a cardboard "bin". ugh So i have to take it practically to the other side of town! But its a good thing its taking up that corner or else I would be pushed to buy the little table I want.... and Im trying to save money! So much for us saving money. Having new homes is expensive and our bank acct just keeps goin down and down lol.
So... I still need to do all kinds of paperwork crap from our still UNRESOLVED USAA claim... to getting TRICARE PRIME since i live here near a military hospital... to changing my car loan payments... to doing our taxes... to getting base stickers... AHHH THERE IS STILL SO MUCH haha. Registering your car here in NC is expensive. Thank you NY and NC for having conflicting registration laws..... I paid 223 bucks just to get NC plates. And today i got my car inspected (again) haha. I feel like i have been doing paperwork/phone calls non stop lol.
On a positive note.... have I mentioned... its MARCH? Between my last post and now I have turned 23... EW haha. So with it being March that means I can tell my hubby "See you next month!!" How freakin exciting. His homecoming sign came from UPS the other day... it started to make it feel real!!! Along with the big black box full of his stuff that came home from Iraq.... <3>

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

deep breath

Whoa. So tomorrow is my last day here in NY. Today I picked up the moving truck with my father in law and then I went to a "going away dinner" at Matt's grandparents. I wasn't expecting gifts but I got tons! It was so awesome. My favorite being this huge pasta cooking pot with a strainer built in.

"Ooooo ahhhhh lol."

Anyways... Im freakin out about this whole move. I dont know how everyone does it!!! I cant wait to just lay on my new couch in NC in watch tv haha.
Im watching my recordings of Planet Earth one more time before I leave and disconnect from this DVR. I think on this desert episode I found Cody's ancestors hah.
The "Fennec Fox"

Haha. Oh man. Those ears scream cody!
see it? haha.
Welllllllllllllllll. I suppose my next post wont be until I get internet hopefully Sunday!
But feel free to comment... noone ever does :( lol

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Breaking point?

So. Today my day started out okay. I slept pretty late until like 10:15. After I moped around the house for awhile, my mom, cody, and I went downtown. We got Cody a training clicker and food at Pet Smart. Then we went to Wegmans where I spent way too much money on cleaning stuff for the house in NC so that when I get there if its not up to my "standards" (especially the toilet) I can clean it right away. Then we came home...
Matt was supposed to call today. He hasn't..... Im super stressed out with the move, packing, money, him being gone, etc. So I started feeling a little down. I always know not to worry but with all the other stress the worry seems to be super high today. I always get scared when we leave phone calls on a negative note that it will be the last phone call. As my parents were cooking dinner I was feelin very overwhelmed and all it took was an "Are you ok kid?" For it to just all to start coming out. I just cried and cried in my room for awhile. Now I'm a bit better but I still feel numb and super worried and my mind is so busy.
On a positive note. I attended a beautiful wedding last night that made me miss my husband more than anything. They were so adorable and the wedding was so fun. I got to see people I havent seen in a long time.
Sorry for my sad post. But... I figured most of the people who read this if you do are my Marine wife friends.... and I'm sure they know these days. This part of the deployment seems to be the hardest. It feels like its never going to end and I just get so torn down somedays. I breathe and I feel like Im going to cry. I just cant wait until April......
where are you?

*good thoughts for Matthew*

Friday, February 6, 2009

My new FAV movie....

I am going to write a super short post to say my new favorite movie is....
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist!!!

Ill blog again but im tireeeedd. Mmm what a good movie.